At Del Rey Yacht Club 13900 Palawan Way, MDR
Please come and join us for the most posh and fun MDRA event of the year. Celebrate Fishing. Celebrate the best catches of the year! Bring your sweetheart and show off your fishing club. Awards Ceremony Catered Dinner Cash Bar Live Music - Danny Vee Amazing Raffle Price per person is just $50. Please sign up early. Doors open at 5:30 - Please try to arrive and check in by 6 pm.
Please come and join us for the most posh and fun MDRA event of the year. Celebrate Fishing. Celebrate the best catches of the year! Bring your sweetheart and show off your fishing club.
Price per person is just $50. Please sign up early.
Doors open at 5:30 - Please try to arrive and check in by 6 pm.